Kamis, 23 Januari 2014

Pipeline End Terminators/Pipeline End Manifold

By Young Bai, Qiang Bai

Pipeline end terminators (PLET)/pipeline end manifold (PLEM), and inline structures (ILS) are subsea structures designed to attach the pipeline end and then lowered to the seabed in the desired orientation. The PLET/PLEM is located at the end of a subsea pipeline, while the inline structure is located in the middle of pipeline.


The design and installation ofe PLET/ILS include first-end, middle, and second-end options. The components of them may include from a single hub with manual isolation valve, to two or three hubs with ROV actuated valves, chemical injection, pig launching capabilities and more. The foundation of PLET/ILS may be a mudmat, or a single suction pile. A rigid or flexible jumper is utilized to tie-in the PLET/ILS to the other subsea structures, eg. Tree, manifold, or other PLET/PLEM.

Source: Bai, Yong and Qiang Bai. Subsea Engineering Handbook.

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